Friday, July 9, 2010


Well I failed at keeping this thing updated, but I thought i'd post a few numbers

Currently weigh 160, bodyfat percentage around 10-11%.

Lift maxes:
Deadlift - 355 (no belt or straps, just chalk)
Squat - 245 (yeah, still sucks, but i'm hitting parallel each time)
Barbell Bench - 175 (to chest)
Dumbell Bench - 80 (past 90 degrees)
DB Incline Bench - 75 (past 90 degrees)
DB Shoulder Press - 60 (slightly past 90)
Leg Press (Legs touching my chest--WAY past 90 degrees) - 540

I'll try to get some progress pictures soon, and start updating more frequently, but adding every meal will not continue, however I am religiously counting calories (both because of my stomach condition and for lifting purposes), and will try to post daily totals.